Sunday, January 27, 2013


Rough Draft: Summer Blackout

An incredibly rough draft about the huge blackout in August 2003.

Hannah: Such a rough draft

Okay guys, This is a really really rough draft. The roughest, one might say. Just getting my ideas out of my head and into story form. You could maybe even consider this a "sketch." Let me know what you think though... Hannah

White Wine & Seaglass

Michaela Byrne: Neighbours Project, Rough Draft

Rough Drafts

These are both possible drafts that I'm working on. The first is about meeting a neighbor (the problem is I don't know what I would do about the second neighbor for the assignment) and then the second is an idea that I'm experimenting. I always find 1st impressions to be interesting so I have an idea to ask people I know what they first thought of me before we became friends. I think it could be interesting or it could be a flop so I'm just playing around with it. I'm doing another recording this afternoon.

McClenon Very Rough Draft Neighbors-- Laptop

Here is a very rough draft of my neighbors piece. I'm planning to gather more "laptop" sounds to layer throughout, and am thinking more about how to connect the idea of moving around to the laptop. I'm interested in the laptop as an object of independence--- that it allows you to be very mobile, and take your life with you, but at the cost of your laptop becoming your nearest neighbor, rather than people from the communities you actually inhabit. A lot for three minutes!

Margaret's Neighborhood Rough Draft

Co-Op Rough

Friday, January 25, 2013

Neighborhood Rough Draft

Here are my two rough draft sound files for this assignment. The guy, Alec, that I interviewed had two separate stories about the two houses where he grew up and I'm not sure which one I like more. So, I'll post both!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Youth Radio Examples

Some great Youth Radio examples from Generation PRX.
Best Youth-Made Radio 2012 from Generation PRX.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
"We Are the Champions" with Mike McCrindle and TV Talks with Lizzie Williams. Music used in coordination with Anagram Norton.

Marissa's voices

Monday, January 14, 2013

Audrey Smith's Edited Voice Stories

1: "The Powerful Voice of Diane Thurber"

2: "The Super Voice of Neal Thurber"


Melania Plasko's Edited Voice Stories

Number 1:

Number 2:

(I couldn't get the widgit codes to work for some reason, so here are the links!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Advice from Ira

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.


StoryCorps is a national project "to instruct and inspire people to record each others' stories in sound." Founder Dave Isay writes that "listening is an act of love." Take a look around the site and in particular listen to the "Staff Picks" at the bottom of this page.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Illustrated Conversation with Maurice Sendak and Terri Gross

Using the sound from a Terri Gross' interview with Maurice Sendak toward the end of Sendak's life, Christoph Niemann illustrated an intimate moment of conversation and and equally intimate moment of his own listening.